Thanks to Susan at for her daily inspirations. Stop by there and see everyone's Metamorphosis's

Let me say this. I used to move furniture around all the time in my other house, but I've hardly moved a thing in this house in the 12-13 years I've lived here. Boring hey!!!! Well, I do have my comfort zones : )) Maybe this blogspot will get me to look around more as to different things I can do here! This is an antique breakfront, (older than this house), that has been mine for about 20 years. I got it at an estate sale and I love it.
Now, all I did was open the desk front of the cabinet and bring down a chair from upstairs. I also had the little lamp in the library. It wasn't being used in there so I placed it on the desk. OK, it may not look that different to you but it is a change for me!
I'm going to get a smaller watt bulb for the little lamp. All I had was a 40 watt and that's too much for the little shade. I'll get a 25 watter.