My "new" hutch!!!! To go in my new kitchen scheduled sometime in January!

The hutch will go on that wall where the old cabinet is with the breadbox on top. Of course, they'll be no more paneling. No more anything! GUTTED!!!!!!

Oct. 24th
Today was the exciting day that I bought the hutch for my kitchen that I found on Craigs List!!!!!!! (That's saving me about $5000.!!!!) It's pictured above.
This post below was originally put on in August of this year. I have made some big decisions with my contractor since then. I am definitely doing an entire kitchen re-do : )) I am having a white tin ceiling. The flooring will depend on whether the original flooring under many layers of stuff is salvageable. If it is, I'll have it refinished. If not I'm having a wood floor laid. Stainless appliances. A window seat under my kitchen window. I've picked the white, distressed custom cabinets with inset doors that look like the period. And most importantly, I secured the loan!!!!!!! Still many more decisions to make. Like lighting. Soapstone or granite countertops, etc.
Here's the August post.
It's Metamorphosis Monday. Thank you Susan for hosting this terrific event. Somewhere to show people ideas who might just understand! So everyone go to BNOTP to see the participants. Just click this:

See this kitchen? It's not mine!! This is sort of the idea I have for mine. Below this picture are photos of my kitchen now. Don't get scared, it's not a pretty site.

I hope there's a metamorphasis coming here! I have been pretty careful not to show any photos of my kitchen. It is not good. It doesn't go with my 1850 house at all. I have had a contractor out that I want to use and I've had the first meeting with the kitchen designer. I just want the kitchen to look like it goes in my century farm house! I have lots of expensive ideas so I hope I can pull this off. Everything needs changed from floor to ceiling; from cabinets to lighting. Oh My. Gives me palpitations just thinking of it.

My lovely refrigerator loaded inside and out!! And that's the door to my little kitchen porch.

This is the island with a little sink and my dishwasher. You can also see part of the half wall that looks into the family room.

Now, that's all you get to see of the old kitchen. I don't know when (or if) this will all get started but The kitchen designer has some great ideas so we'll see. (If I don't chicken out!)
If I go ahead with this renovation, I will take lots of photos! I want to be one of the ones with the sledge hammer like on HGTV!!