Hi everyone! I'm joining in on "Vintage Thingies Thursday" over at "Colorado Lady". Visit her blog and see the other vintage things that people want to share.

The first thing I'm sharing is my father's pocket watch. He carried this to work with him. It is not in working condition but I'm sure if I could find a watch maker in this day and age . . . I could probably have it fixed. I feel blessed to have it.
This magnetic thermometer was my dad's too. I had it on the wall in my old kitchen. It is packed away in some boxes still in the basement. I'm slowly bringing things back up to my renovated kitchen. I'm not sure of the age. At least 60 years.
These next few photos are of part of my brown transfer ware. Most I got from my Aunt's estate. This particular pattern (and a couple other's below) are by T&R Boote, England (Lahor) 1888.
The teapot on the left in back is JG and Sons (Chrysanthemum)
The taller teapot on the right is Johnson Bros. England (Sylvan)
I love brown transfer ware. It always makes a beautiful table.
Have a good Thursday everyone. It going to be in the 70's here and sunny. Yippee!!!!!!!