Here is hoping for a wonderful 2012 for all of you.
This past year has had some sad times for us and I am looking forward to a great new year.
I don't make resolutions any more but here are a few things that I am hoping to do. (maybe : ))
• Try to eat healthier and drink more water.
• Ride my horses more.
• Learn to bake bread successfully!!!!
• Have a closer relationship with my son.
• Make arrangements with a pet sitter and go visit my sister for a few days.
• Go to church more.
• See a dermatologist.
• Have my chicken coop made or bought by spring!!!!!!
• Plant a vegetable garden, even if it's small.
• Find a sideboard for my dining room.
• Stop fretting about wrinkles!
• Train Monk to the Invisible Fence in the spring.
•Find a way to wake up happy!
• Declutter my computer.
• Put some of my photos on DVD's. I have over 15,000 photos in iPhoto!
•Declutter my house at least once a week, even if it's just one space.
••Win the lottery!!!
(There I've said it.)