I cannot believe how much food I have in this house.
I think I could live on what I have for a year with an occasional trip to the store for milk, paper and personal items!!
These are just a couple pictures of my food storage. Also have a freezer in the basement plus the two drawers in the fridge.
I think this all started slowly when I was doing the coupon thing a little more seriously.
I tried to just buy the things I use but it's really hard for me to pass up a bargain,
especially if I also have a coupon for it!
Today was a prime example. I went to the store to buy milk because I had forgotten to get it yesterday and I want to make bread pudding to use up ALL THE BREAD I HAVE!!!!!
I came home with three bags of things plus cat litter that was on sale and I had a coupon for!
I suppose thats OK.
I shopped at Giant Eagle. I think they are expensive but they have good sales and if you limit yourself to those items, you can make out. Plus they give you more coupons at the check-out and you get fuel perks.
I also like their produce.
The things I got that were not on sale and no coupon were:
Ice cream and chicken tenders which I really didn't need.
I bought more coffee K-Cups but they were on sale and I had good coupons.
So I guess today wasn't too bad. Yesterday was much worse at Walmart.
Here's how I know I have way too much. I go to the store to buy something I think I need for a recipe and more times than not, I will already have it tucked away that I had forgotten about.
Not good.
Maybe I should make a list of everything I have.
Does anyone have a solution??
Here's what I've decided to try!
When I cook, I just automatically make enough for at least four!
Now, there's only me.
Yes, I freeze left-overs but about half the time I don't like how things look when I take them out of the freezer or I didn't put a date on them and I end up throwing them away.
Now, any money I may have saved when I bought the items went right into the trash.
Most recipes are for 4 or more so I guess that's why I make too much.
I love reading recipes and collect them on Pinterest so that makes me want cook!
I'm really going to try and use up what I have on hand including freezer items and canned items.
Then maybe I'd be better off buying the small cans of vegetable and fruit or only buy fresh . . . and only the amount for one!
Also I'm going to look online for recipes for ONE. I'm sure there is a site somewhere!
As far as meat goes, I've decided to buy from the organic food store and get my meat from the meat counter . . only what I want for ONE! I will go meatless at least 2 or 3 times a week.
What do you all think?
I'll let you know how things are working!