I'm joining Rhoda for "Todays Thrifty Treasures". You can find all the participants at her blog.

The past couple weeks I've found some neat things. My sister and I went to a few thrift/antique shops while she was here visiting.
Here is a nice primitive looking sheep picture. (Love them) I will paint that frame black and it will be perfect. It was $2.95.
The gingham vintage apron was only $2.00 and that little bowl was, I think, $2.00 also.

Love this chicken picture but when I paint that gold frame black it will be so much better.

These were a bargain. A good size rooster/hen pair for $4.00

And isn't this the cutest thing. A real little egg crate. Do you see a theme going here! This will be handy when I someday have my own chickens. I need someone to build me a coop!!!!!!!!!!

I came across these 1984 Country Home magazines. They are no longer in print and I like the old ones the best! They have more of my type of decor in them (Primitive country) There are all sorts of the type of table I want for my dining room in these issues! Where did they all go!!!! I can't find one as of yet.

OK, now I got this little hound dog because we had one of these when we were little. Not exactly like this one but close. It was just one of those good memory buys : ))

And lastly, I found a sugar bowl to go with my Currier & Ives collection. I had to buy both the sugar and cream for $6.00. Now I have two creams but that's OK.

Have a great Monday everyone and keep on "Thrifting"!