I'm linking with a southern day dreamer for "Outdoor Wednesday" for this post:
I have been lax on my blogging this past week! I'm home today and thought I might get something done outside but when I went out, it is hot and muggy and buggy! I did manage some photos.
We've had A LOT of rain this spring so my furniture on the deck remains minimal and turned over so it doesn't get soaked quite as bad. The showers come up really fast.
Here is a sad note. This is my vegetable garden gone to weed. The man that rototills for me never came after 3 phone calls and now it is mostly too late to plant.
I could hand dig one row for some beans I guess. But not today!!
In my front garden my hydrangea is blooming.
In fact, everything is so lush it's like the tropics out here.
Of course the weeds take off too!
This is creeping thyme.
A clematis growing up some forsythia branches.
Well, peeking out of the weeds in my once pristine herb garden the lavender still is there!
Well, I hear thunder again so probably another down pour is on the way.
FYI I have a recliner chair like yours(zero gravity). I am on my second one because I let mine stay out all summer and between the rains and the heat, the heavy cording that holds it all together rotted out after a couple years. I try now to bring mine indoors when it rains. Your gardens look beautiful. You sure live in beautiful country and make the most of your acreage. I am looking forward to more horse pictures. Love your horses.