I'm joining The Tablescaper for "Seasonal Sundays" for my walk through the garden today.
This has been one of the few really nice days this month! We've had rain, rain, rain! Of course the gardens must have liked it because they are very quickly coming alive! It's just too bad we haven't been able to enjoy them much yet. Even today it isn't all that warm. I don't think we hit 60 degrees today but I'm not complaining! The SUN was out!!!!
These are the flowers on my holly bushes just starting to open . When they are fully open the scent is heavenly. They are right by my kitchen porch.
I used to have a lot of tulips. Now I think I have a couple lone tulips that have survived the chipmunks and voles! I should really plant some this fall!
This is a type of forget-me-nots with silvery leaves . The plant looks good even after it's done blooming.
One of my favorites. The bleeding hearts. These are the old fashioned kind.
Hostas must be one of the fastest growing plants!! I swear two days ago these were nothing but little pokers out of the ground!
Another lone tulip in amongst my wonderful ground cover of sweet woodruff. It's about to bloom too. Fragrant little white flowers.
My one azalea bush! I don't know why I don't plant more of these! I did try them in the back but they never survived. This one likes it's spot in the front next to the front porch.
Ellie was quietly watching me taking pictures. I didn't see her up on her chair for the longest time.
And here's Rocky. This is his favorite spot on the deck as he can see all the way down the road and be prepared to bark at anyone taking a walk or a jog.