Friday, April 8, 2011

Olde Children's Poem

I recently found this old paper in a book. I had tucked it away years ago. I don't know who drew the letters on there. Maybe me!

When I opened it I found the old poem "The Wise Old Goose" that my Grandma Wickersham used to recite to us. She knew it by heart. She'd tell it in a low scary voice with lots of inflection! We would always ask her to tell us the "Goose Story".
Well, as you'll see, like a lot of old children's stories and rhymes, they were down right frightening and this one is also sad!!!
I hope you can see it good enough to read. It was typed on an old type writer.

The more I read this, the more abrupt the ending seems to me now. Maybe there was more; a rescue, a happy ending. But I haven't been able to find anything about this poem. If any of you have heard it and know . . . let ME know. Because now I feel bad for the little young geese!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh those poor babies. I've not heard it before but we can always hope or make up or own ending that will be happy. Have a good weekend Shirley. :)


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