I know, I take a lot of photos!
So why not share them on my blog : ))
My gardens are booming. June is my very favorite month in the garden.
The chicks are getting rambunctious!
They are in the playpen in the dining room and with all their running around and testing their wings out, it has become a very dusty problem.
I wiped down my entire kitchen and put up plastic on all the openings.
I hope this will cut down on a lot of the dust getting where it shouldn't be!!
I will make a note and the next the bunch of babies will be in a brooder in the basement!
Of course, then that will require a hundred trips up and down my treacherous cellar stairs!
I may have to rethink that.
This week, since the temperatures were so warm, I introduced them to the outside.
I shut them in the coop in the middle of the chicken yard.
They love being on the grass and the dirt.
It's getting them there and back that is a back breaking project.
I still have to work on those details.
Molly and Dottie getting their first look at the new flock!
Pepsi needed a little loving while I was watching the baby chicks.
Here are a few of my flowers in the front gardens.
Blue indigo
Knock-out rose
Huge coral poppy
And the progress of my vegetable gardens so far.
Dusk after a beautiful day.
Have a great week everyone.