Monday, August 25, 2014

Who Saved My Front Garden!

I have a handyman named Kerry who comes when I call him with a list of things to be done around here.  
Things I can't do myself or that have gotten out of hand.  
Or just things I don't want to do!
He'll do things either outside or inside.
In the summer of course it's mostly outside.
I called him about the weed problem in my front gardens.  
I posted about it a couple posts ago.
I was hoping he just didn't give up on me because he already did this once in the spring!
I didn't keep up!
He worked all day and here it is.

This is amazing if you compare it to how it was just yesterday!!!!
I think I'm going to just sit out there with a bottle of weed killer!!
I can't let it look like this again!!



Friday, August 22, 2014

It's Always Something . . . Diabetes

That's what they named it.
I finally was successful in figuring out how to start another blog.
So if you are diabetic or a senior and want to check it out, here's the link:

I found out a couple months ago that I'm what they are calling "pre-diabetic".
Since then I've found out that it just means that the diabetes was detected in an early phase.
I always thought to myself that I would never be surprised if I got it as it is in my genes on my mother's side.  My aunt and my grandmother both had type 2 diabetes.
But, you know, I am sort of surprised.  Mostly because I've always been thin and pretty active.
Obviously, that doesn't always matter!
I didn't have the signs I always associated with diabetes; thirst and frequent urination.
But I did have other signs that I tried to ignore.
Fatigue, hunger, tingling in hands and feet and at times, blurred vision!
Since I knew I was and probably have always been, addicted to sweets, I started counting carbs!
That is very hard for me, let me tell you.
The only way I could do it successfully is to write down every morsel that I eat and the carb. content.
After 2 months, it became a little easier and I am aware of the carb grams in many things that I eat.
I try to keep it under 180 per day but it was hard.  I want to make it below 150.
Now I read that that's the wrong way to do it.  You can't play around with the count so you end up at a certain number.  You can't eat nothing for lunch and save the grams for a big bedtime snack.  NUTS!
It's better to eat at an even level all day.
I'm also learning how the glycemic index of things comes into play.
This past week I've started testing my numbers with finger sticks and a meter.

This is a hell of a lot to learn and change at 72!  That's for sure.
I denied it at first, then was angry and now I'm rather depressed the more I read!!
But I'm always HUNGRY!!!!

Please, I'd appreciate any thoughts and help from you people in my blogging world that have type 2.
My A1c was 6.2 by the way.

I'll be writing more shortly in my other blog.


Friday, August 15, 2014

I'm Afraid The Weeds Have Won!

This isn't pretty!!
Getting out to the front gardens and weeding an hour or so once a week,
just doesn't do it.
If I don't get some help from my handyman and his wife 
or find a gardener (NOT A LANDSCAPER),
I'm sunk.
It's very depressing. My back will not allow me to do a lot of bending for very long.
Trying to find someone to just help with the flower garden is almost impossible.
Where do you look?  Everyone is listed as a landscaper and that means really expensive.
I just need someone, that loves gardening to help me.  I'm willing to pay some!
To help weed mostly but to also dig out some small dead boxwood and move a few plants.
I'm calling my handyman today and see what he has to say!
Here are my photos!
Don't judge!!

If there is one positive note, the yellow finch like the thistles and there are butterflies in this weed patch/garden.  Also there's lots of little baby toads in there plus a couple small frogs!!
Sure!  It's like a jungle!!!
 The small low patch is my herb garden.  I had it all cleaned out about 3 weeks ago!!

Look, there's even a cherry tomato plant there!!
Now where did that come from?  My vegetable garden is no where near this.



Monday, August 11, 2014

Finally, a Good Find at GoodWill!

I go scope out GoodWill every couple weeks.
I used to find a lot more there than I have in this past year.
I mean I get some barn clothes there but I'm always looking for dishes,
neat old chairs, outer-wear etc.

Today, I got lucky.
Not a huge amount but something that made me happy!
All six pieces together were only $3.00!

Blue Willow pattern from Staffordshire, England.
The cups are very delicate.

I have some of this pattern already but these are really nice.
Especially the cups and saucers; they're perfect.
The two plates have a couple little dings.

My other find was this nice dark gray fleece top.  
I love these and it will be great for fall and winter.
This was half price and was only $1.99!

Hope you had a great day too.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Little Halter Horsemanship

I haven't really started riding again yet but I am enjoying doing a little on the ground training.  Yesterday I had a lesson on the maneuvers in halter horsemanship.
It's a show thing to show off your horse.
And handler, I think.
I don't plan on showing but thought it would be good to learn.
Preacher already knows about it as he was a 4-H horse before I got him and I'm sure showed in this.
He may be a little rusty but hey, I don't know anything yet.
This is just the very beginning.
I'm doing everything wrong.
Preacher is perfect!

You can see a little video here:


Next little lesson, I'll learn more.  Poor Preacher was quite bored!


Friday, August 8, 2014

Blogging Help plus One Dead Tree

I mean, I'm asking for help or your opinion.
I've been blogging for quite a while.
Since 2009 I think.
After all this time I haven't really decided a niche for myself.
I mean some say that's what you should do.
Write on one subject.
I just write about everyday in the life of me and that has a whole lot of different subjects.
The thing that worries me is that my page views are dropping.
I mean, I never had a huge amount but they have dropped more than half.
I try to write a couple times a week; sometimes more, but it doesn't seem to make a difference!
If anyone out there has any ideas, please tell me!!
Leave me a comment.
I love comments!

For today I want to tell you about my problem of a tall dead pine tree; well actually two!
(Sorry, that's my finger over the lens!)

Maybe you can see the wires going through the tree on this side of the trunk.
They are the main wires that supply electricity to my house!!
I've called a professional tree maintenance guy to come to take the tree down.
He's coming to look at it tomorrow.
I hope this doesn't cost a fortune!!
I can just see me burning the pile of brush in the foreground there, and a spark making that tree go up like a torch!!
Scary stuff.


Don't forget to let me know your opinion about my blogging.
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