Friday, December 18, 2009

And That's For SURE!!



  1. Gratitude and electric blankets--both good things :) Love the music!

  2. I'm with you Shirley! When I get home I turn on the one on my bed so when I get into it my bed is nice and toasty warm. I need one for when I'm here at my computer desk though, it's pretty chilly right now.

  3. My electric blankie went haywire and so till I can get another, I am shivering. I miss my toasty bed.

  4. I'm with you Shirley. I use an electic mattress warmer instead of an electric blanket though.

  5. While I don't have an electric blanket, I was thinking today how thankful I was to have a roof over my head and a heater. It has been very cold and rainy in GA. Looks like we are in for a colder winter than normal. The picture of your house and gate with snow on your header is just beautiful. Merry Christmas!


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