Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Beloved Eggos!

Yes, Happy Birthday Eggo!!
I am one of your biggest fans.
I have 2 Eggos every morning of my life, along with orange juice, fruit and coffee.

I've been very faithful even after your plant flooded and I can no longer get Apple Cinnamon ones!
Now, I find it only fair that I should win the $75,000 don't you!!


PS. I have to say that your new Thick and Fluffy waffles are DELICIOUS!!


  1. I used to fix Eggo's for son all the time when he was a young boy! Hope you win, $75,000 would buy lots of Eggo's and orange juice wouldn't it!!

    Thanks for visiting me. Orange trees are very easy to grow here in California and many people grow them, but I'm not really sure if that was what you meant when you asked if they were hard to keep though...


  2. Wow, I had no idea that Eggo's have been around that long. My son is the eggo fan here. I don't eat them very often, it's probably been 10 years or better. I do eggs and juice or yogurt. I also like bran flakes.
    I sure hope you win the money! That would be so cool!
    You could build a pole barn!
    Hugs- Tete


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