Still zero degrees outside for the past few days.
So here's another good and super easy soup.
Just put these few things in your crockpot and it's good to go by supper time.
This was from a Pillsbury site.
It's also on my Pinterest site under soups.
A scrumptious soup with plenty of broth.
Sprinkle fresh grated parmesan cheese on top!
Sodium Warning!!
Because of the three canned things in this soup the sodium count is 1540!!! (Per Serving!!)
Sodium is not only used for taste but is used as a preservative in canned foods.
Get Low Sodium canned broth, beans and tomatoes.
It will bring the sodium down considerably.
You can then just add a little salt to your bowl if needed.
Oh keep inside and warm.
Looks good and so warming.