Saturday, September 7, 2013

Change of Scenery For The Chickens

I moved the chickie's yard fence a little.  Mostly because I had to give my lawn mower guy more room in the back to get through an area.  I decided I'd put the fence around one of the little gardens that's by one of the big oak trees.  That way they can investigate and scratch around in there.

I may move it a little again tomorrow to include that little garden too.

When I was moving the fencing in the back, I noticed poor Mr Bunny is getting enveloped by all the ivy that's taken over back there.



  1. Poor Mr. Bunny needs a new home in the yard before the ivy eats him and there is nothing those chickies...Phyllis

  2. I am sure the chickens were wondering when they were going to get a new view. I could use some to eat up my snail problem.

  3. Shirley, love your chickens - bet they are enjoying their new area.
    Poor Mr. Bunny the ivy is taking him over - he needs to hop to another area.
    Have a great week.


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