Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Crock Pot Book!

Thank you Debbie for this Crock Pot Wednesday every week! http://diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com/
Since it's only me here, I'm able to stock up my freezer with leftovers for this winter : )) A good thing!

Yes, I got a new cookbook. And I found it right here while blogging. It's Stephanie O'Dea's new book. You can find her blog, A Year Of Slow Cooking at : http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/
I really like her book not only because of the good sounding recipes but it's a fun read. I got my copy through Amazon.

Here's the recipe. (Click to enlarge to read better.)

Here are the ingredients. I forgot to take a picture of the chicken but I used 1 1/2 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken thighs.

Oh, oh, someone's not very happy!

Nope, not happy at all! He wants to be picked up. I'm dumping things in the crock pot as fast as I can.

This is how it looked before I put the lid on. It cooked on low for 7 hours which was a little long but the babies were still here so I turned it off for about an hour then just reheated a little before serving.

All done. I would've liked to thicken the sauce some, but it smelled so good all afternoon that I couldn't wait to taste it.

Here it is ready to eat. Yummmmm. I served it with potatoes and acorn squash from my garden. It's sort of all the same color; lucky I used a green plate! I give my self a "D" for presentation!! But Stephanie gets an "A" for her delicious recipe!!
Happy Wednesday everyone. I'll be babysitting again!


  1. Nothing like a new cook book to get the juices flowing.
    You should let the little guy dump in the ingredients. Cooking with Grandma is a good thing.
    You know I don't know why it is but often when I plate one of my favorite suppers it is on a white plate. So picture my white piece of halibut, my white rice or potatoes and some nice white cauliflower. If it wasn't for the pepper I wouldn't be able to find my food on the plate.

  2. This looks and sounds absolutely wonderful. This one I will have to try..

  3. What a precious little face! Your chicken looks and sounds delicious.

  4. Your recipe sound wonderful. I will have to try it soon.
    What a cutie and grandma busy making dinner. THANKS!!! for sharing the photos of your little one.


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